Speed Cinema Screenings: Good One 9/14/24 3PM

Selected date

Saturday September 14

Selected time

3:00 PM  –  4:29 PM

In India Donaldson’s insightful, piercing debut, 17-year-old Sam (Lily Collias) embarks on a three-day backpacking trip in the Catskills with her dad, Chris (James Le Gros) and his oldest friend, Matt (Danny McCarthy). As the two men quickly settle into a gently quarrelsome brother dynamic airing long-held grievances, Sam, wise beyond her years, attempts to mediate.

When lines are crossed and Sam’s trust is betrayed tensions reach a fever pitch as Sam struggles with her dad’s emotional limitation and experiences the universal moment when the parental bond is tested. A selection of the Sundance Film Festival and the Cannes Film Festival. 2024, U.S., DCP, 89 minutes. Rated R.
